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AW Collection
Raf Grassetti is dropping “ 🍍Meme Kingdom” on 4/29 @ 13:37 EST
About the drop: Exploring human behavior through their emoji representations is like finding human nature in animals. The Internet culture evolved through emojis and the meaning that people created around the use of them. My collection is an attempt to make people think about how we evolved the internet culture over the years and the emoji representation.
🐦✔️ Verified (250 of 250)
🙈🙉🙊 Monkey see, monkey do (100 of 100)
🐑🧠 Paranoid (10 of 10)
🍍🐐 The Goat (1 of 1)
If you had a "Verified" Birds + another piece of the collection on 5/25/21 you got a Pepe on your wallet. Enjoy 🐸🍹
If you have one or more pieces on your wallet, make sure to join the discord and get verified.
I'm working on exclusive items to collectors that will be available soon.
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